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Differential Topology and Geometry with Applications to PhysicsInstitute of Physics Publishing (IOP) Differential geometry has encountered numerous applications in physics. More and more physical concepts can be understood as a direct consequence of geometric principles. The mathematical structure of Maxwell's electrodynamics, of the general theory of relativity, of string theory, and of gauge theories, to name but a few, are of a geometric nature. All of these disciplines require a curved space for the description of a system, and we require a mathematical formalism that can handle the dynamics in such spaces if we wish to go beyond a simple and superficial discussion of physical relationships. This formalism is precisely differential geometry. Even areas like thermodynamics and fluid mechanics greatly benefit from a differential geometric treatment. Not only in physics, but in important branches of mathematics has differential geometry effected important changes. Aimed at graduate students and requiring only linear algebra and differential and integral calculus, this book presents, in a concise and direct manner, the appropriate mathematical formalism and fundamentals of differential topology and differential geometry together with essential applications in many branches of physics. Analytical Index for the book
noteSince the published book was not typeset in LaTeX, some .page numbers in this index may be off by a page. Copyright © Eduardo Nahmad-Achar 2018 |
Investigador del Departamento de Estructura de la Materia desde 1987.
Obtuvo el doctorado por la Universidad de Cambridge (1986).
Ha publicado artículos en revistas arbitradas y reconocidas internacionalmente, ha presentado sus trabjos de investigación en diversos eventos académicos. Es docente y ha graduado estudiantes de licenciatura y de posgrado en Ciencias Físicas.
Fue creador del Centro de Investigación de Polímeros del Grupo Comex.
Se especializa en Física Teórica, Óptica Cuántica, y Gravitación.
- Temas Selectos de Óptica II (Licenciatura)
- Introducción a la Acústica Contemporánea (Licenciatura)
- Temas Selectos de Física Matemática III: MAF II (Licenciatura)
- Introducción a la Información Cuántica (Maestría)
- Temas Selectos de Física Computacional III (Licenciatura)
- Temas Selectos de Física Matemática III: Matemáticas Avanzadas de la Física II (Licenciatura)
- Temas Selectos de Física Computacional I: Introducción a la Información Cuántica (Licenciatura)
- Temas Selectos de Óptica II: Interacción de Luz Con Materia y Aplicaciones (Licenciatura)
- Topología y Geometría Diferencial con Aplicaciones a la Física (Licenciatura)
- Filosofía de la Física I: Lo Decible e Indecible en Mecánica Cuántica II (Licenciatura)
- Seminario de Investigación I (Maestría)
- Seminario de Investigación II (Maestría)
- Temas Selectos de Física Matemática II: Lo Decible e Indecible en Mecánica Cuántica (Licenciatura)
- Temas Selectos de Física Matemática III: Lo Decible e Indecible en Mecánica Cuántica (Licenciatura)
- Temas Selectos de Física Matemática y Teórica III (Licenciatura)
- Distinción (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Secretaría de Ciencia, Humanidades, Tecnología e Innovación 2024)
Título del proyecto | Institución que financia | Cobertura |
Interaccion radiacion materia y aplicaciones en computacion cuantica | DGAPA | Institucional |
Estudios de Estabilidad en Coloides | DGAPA | Institucional |
Interacción Radiación-Materia en Sistemas de 3-Niveles | DGAPA | Institucional |
Interacción Radiación-Materia en Sistemas de n-Niveles, Evolución, y Números de Cooperación | DGAPA | Internacional |
Desarrollo de métodos en la interacción de radiación con materia | PAPIIT | Institucional |
Sistemas finitos de interacción radiación-materia | DGAPA | Local |
- The Hurwitz-Hopf map and harmonic wave functions for integer and half-integer angular momentum
Hojman, SA; Nahmad-Achar, E; Sanchez-Valenzuela, A
Physica Scripta, 2023, 98 (8), 085249 - Storing quantum information in a generalised Dicke Model via a simple rotation
Lopez-Pena, R; Cordero, S; Nahmad-Achar, E; Castanos, O
Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, 2023, 56, 425303 - Quantum Phase Diagrams of Matter-Field Hamiltonians I: Fidelity, Bures Distance, and Entanglement
Cordero, S; Nahmad-Achar, E; Lopez-Pena, R; Castanos, O
Physica Scripta, 2021, 96 (3), 035104 - Quantum Phase Diagrams of Matter-Field Hamiltonians II: Wigner Function Analysis
Lopez-Pena, R; Cordero, S; Nahmad-Achar, E; Castanos, O
Physica Scripta, 2021, 96 (3), 035103 - Quantum-Optical set-up for the Monty Hall problem
Quezada, LF; Martin-Ruiz, A; Frank, A; Nahmad-Achar, E
Physica Scripta, 2020, 95 (6), 065102 - The structure of phase diagrams in matter-radiation systems
Nahmad-Achar, E; Cordero-Reyes, SA; Lopez-Pena, R
Physica Scripta, 2020, 95 (3), 034004 - Is a Deterministic and Local Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Possible? ...First steps
Nahmad-Achar, E; Sanchez-Kuntz, N
Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2020, 1540, 012006 - Reduced bases for a three-level atom interacting with a two-mode radiation field
Cordero, S; Castanos, O; Lopez-Pena, R; Nahmad-Achar, E
Physical Review A, 2019, 99 (3), 033811 - Optimal basis for the generalized Dicke model
Cordero, S; Nahmad-Achar, E; Castanos, O; Lopez-Pena, R
Physical Review A, 2019, 100, 053810 - Quantum locality, rings a bell?: Bell’s inequality meets local reality and true determinism
Sanchez-Kuntz, N; Nahmad-Achar, E
Foundations of Physics, 2018, 48 (1), 27-47 - Dynamic generation of light states with discrete symmetries
Cordero, S; Nahmad-Achar, E; Castanos, O; Lopez-Pena, R
Physical Review A, 2018, 97 (1), 013808 - Entropy of entanglement between quantum phases of a three-level matter-radiation interaction model
Quezada, LF; Nahmad-Achar, E
Entropy, 2018, 20 (2), 72 - Phase space properties of light within the generalised Dicke model
Castanos, O; Cordero, S; Lopez-Pena, R; Nahmad-Achar, E
Physica Scripta, 2018, 93 (8), 085102 - Quantum phases of a three-level matter-radiation interaction model using SU(3) coherent states with different cooperation numbers
Quezada, LF; Nahmad-Achar, E
Physical Review A, 2018, 97 (6), 063819 - Geometry and entanglement of two-qubit states in the quantum probabilistic representation
Lopez-Saldivar, JA; Castanos, O; Nahmad-Achar, E; Lopez-Pena, R; Manko, MA; Manko, VI
Entropy, 2018, 20 (9), 630 - Differential topology and geometry with applications to physics
Nahmad-Achar, E
IOP Publishing, Reino Unido 2018; 0(IOP expanding physics): 0 9780750320726 - Finding Solutions To Contradictions In Relativity And Quantum Mechanics
Sanchez-Kuntz, N; Nahmad-Achar, E
Science Trends, 2018, Feb 2018 - Encontrando soluciones a contradicciones entre la Relatividad y la Mecánica Cuántica
Nahmad-Achar, E; Sanchez-Kuntz, N; Guevara-Villegas, A
Sección de noticias de la página principal del ICN, 2018 - Universal critical behaviour of 3-level atoms interacting dipolarly with radiation
Castanos, O; Cordero, S; Nahmad-Achar, E; Lopez-Pena, R
Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2018, 1071 (1), 012006 - Characterization of the quantum phase transition in a two-mode Dicke model for different cooperation numbers
Quezada, LF; Nahmad-Achar, E
Physical Review A, 2017, 95 (1), 013849 - A general system of n levels interacting with l electromagnetic modes
Cordero, S; Nahmad-Achar, E; Castanos, O; Lopez-Pena, R
Physica Scripta, 2017, 92 (4), 044004 - Generation and dynamics of crystallised-type states of light within the Tavis-Cummings model
Castanos, O; Cordero, S; Nahmad-Achar, E; Lopez-Pena, R
Memoria de Congreso, 2017, 119-126 - Multiscale modeling of the effect of pressure on the interfacial tension and other cohesion parameters in binary mixtures
Mayoral, E; Nahmad-Achar, E
Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Condensed Matter, 2016, 120 (9), 2372-2379 - Variational study of lambda and N atomic configurations interacting with an electromagnetic field of two modes
Cordero, S; Castanos, O; Lopez-Pena, R; Nahmad-Achar, E
Physical Review A, 2016, 94 (1), 8 - Coupling n-level atoms with l-modes of quantised light in a resonator
Castanos, O; Cordero, S; Nahmad-Achar, E; Lopez-Pena, R
Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2016, 698 (1), 012006 - Symmetry adapted coherent states for three-level atoms interacting with one- mode radiation
Lopez-Pena, R; Cordero, S; Nahmad-Achar, E; Castanos, O
Physica Scripta, 2015, 90 (6), 12 - Lorentz transformations for massive two-particle systems: entanglement change and invariant subspaces
Castro-Ruiz, E; Nahmad-Achar, E
Physica Scripta, 2015, 90 (6), 068018 - Phase diagrams of systems of two and three levels in the presence of a radiation field
Nahmad-Achar, E; Cordero, S; Castanos, O; Lopez-Pena, R
Physica Scripta, 2015, 90 (7), 17 - Polychromatic phase diagram for n-level atoms interacting with m modes of electromagnetic field
Cordero, S; Nahmad-Achar, E; Lopez-Pena, R; Castanos, O
Physical Review A, 2015, 92 (5), 15 - Parametrization in dissipative particle dymanics: applications in complex fluids
Mayoral-Villa, E; Nahmad-Achar, E
Libro: Selected Topics of Computational and Experimental Fluid Mechanics Springer Verlag, Suiza 2015; 0(Environmental Science and Engineering): Páginas: 91-118 - Selected Topics of Computational and Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Klapp, J; Ruiz, G; Medina, A; López, A; Sigalotti, L
Springer Verlag, Suiza 2015; 0(Environmental Science and Engineering): 548 978-3-319-11486-6 1863-5520 - Quantum and classical capacity boosted by a Lorentz transformation
Bradler, K; Castro-Ruiz, E; Nahmad-Achar, E
Physical Review A, 2014, 90 (2), 022308 - A triple point in 3-level systems
Nahmad-Achar, E; Cordero, S; Lopez-Pena, R; Castanos, O
Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, 2014, 47, 455301 - Scaling properties in the adsorption of ionic polymeric surfactants on generic nanoparticles of metallic oxides by mesoscopic simulation
Mayoral, E; Nahmad-Achar, E
Libro: Computational and experimental fluid mechanics with applications to physics, engineering and the environment Springer Verlag, Alemania 2013; 0(): Páginas: 443 - 452 - Fidelity, susceptibility and critical exponents in the Dicke model
Bastarrachea-Magnani, MA; Castanos, O; Nahmad-Achar, E; Lopez-Pena, R; Hirsch, JG
Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2014, 492 (1), UNSP 012012 - Phase transitions in three-level systems in a cavity
Nahmad-Achar, E; Cordero, S; Castanos, O; Lopez-Pena, R
Physica Scripta, 2014, 2014 (T160), 014033 - Quantum phase crossovers with finite atom number in the Dicke model
Hirsch, JG; Castanos, O; Nahmad-Achar, E; Lopez-Pena, R
Physica Scripta, 2013, 87 (T153), 014033 - Quantum phase transitions of three-level atoms interacting with a one-mode electromagnetic field
Cordero, S; Lopez-Pena, R; Castanos, O; Nahmad-Achar, E
Physical Review A, 2013, 87 (2), 023805 - A semi-classical versus quantum description of the ground state of three-level atoms interacting with a one-mode electromagnetic field
Cordero, S; Castanos, O; Lopez-Pena, R; Nahmad-Achar, E
Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, 2013, 46 (50), 505302 - Virtues and limitations of the truncated Holstein-Primakoff description of quantum rotors
Hirsch, JG; Castanos, O; Lopez-Pena, R; Nahmad-Achar, E
Physica Scripta, 2013, 87 (3), 038106 - Mathematical methods in quantum optics: the Dicke model
Nahmad-Achar, E; Castanos, O; Lopez-Pena, R; Hirsch, JG
Physica Scripta, 2013, 87 (3), 038114 - Computational and experimental fluid mechanics with applications to physics, engineering and the environment
Colectivo, a
Springer Verlag, Alemania 2013; 0(): 6 9783319001906 - Fluid dynamics in physics, engineering and environmental applications
Klapp, J; Medina, A; Cros, A; Vargas, CA
Springer Verlag, Alemania 2013; 0(): 0 9783642277221 14312492 - Physics in higher dimensions, knots, and differentiable structures
Nahmad-Achar, E
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2013, 1540, 107-112 - Entanglement properties of a system of two spin-1 particles under a Lorentz transformation
Castro-Ruiz, E; Nahmad-Achar, E
Physical Review A, 2012, 86 (5) - Study of interfacial tension between an organic solvent and aqueous electrolyte solutions using electrostatic dissipative particle dynamics simulations
Mayoral, E; Nahmad-Achar, E
Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 137 (19) - On the spectrum of field quadratures for a finite number of photons
Pisanty, E; Nahmad-Achar, E
Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, 2012, 45 (39) - Study of structural properties in complex fluids by addition of surfactants using DPD simulation
Mayoral, E; Nahmad-Achar, E; Martinez-Magadan, JM; Ortega, A; Soto, I
Libro: Fluid dynamics in physics, engineering and environmental applications Springer Verlag, Alemania 2013; 0(): Páginas: 233-238 - No singularities in observables at the phase transition in the Dicke model
Castanos, O; Nahmad-Achar, E; Lopez-Pena, R; Hirsch, JG
Physical Review A, 2011, 83 (5), 051601 - Estudio del proceso de adsorción-desorción de contaminantes en medios confinados mediante simulaciones computacionales
Mayoral, E; De la Cruz, E; Longoria, LC; Nahmad-Achar, E
Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental, 2011, 27 (3), 253-261 - On the relativistic invariance of entanglement
Castro-Ruiz, E; Nahmad-Achar, E
Revista Mexicana de Física S (Suplemento), 2011, 57 (3), 65-68
Título | Estudiante | Grado académico |
Cooperativity in Matter-Radiation Interaction Models | Quezada Mata, Luis Fernando | Doctorado |
Materiales utilizados en el cómputo cuántico por resonancia magnética nuclear | Jáuregui Villanueva, Virginia | Doctorado |
Sobre propiedades de información cuántica bajo transformaciones de Lorentz | Castro Ruiz, Esteban | Maestría |
Micromanipulación Óptica aplicada al estudio de Sistemas de Dinámica Compleja | Ríos González, Daniel Josafat | Maestría |
Átomos de 3 Niveles en interacción con un Campo Electromagnético Cuantizado de 2 Modos | Quezada Mata, Luis Fernando | Maestría |
Quantum information: a factual approach to quantum mechanics | Sánchez Kuntz, Natalia | Maestría |
Sincronización en redes complejas | Leos Zamorategui, Arturo | Licenciatura |
Estados coherentes generalizados y estructura analítica del operador de aniquilación Estados coherentes generalizados y estructura analítica del operador de aniquilación | Pisanty Alatorre, Emilio | Licenciatura |
Corrección de Errores via Códigos Lineales en Computación Cuántica | Jendle Villanueva, Henrik Fabian | Licenciatura |
Transformaciones de Kerr-Schild en Relatividad General | Lara Ramírez, Eduardo | Licenciatura |
Teorema de Noether para la energía en relatividad general | Flores Soto, Víctor Hugo | Licenciatura |
Detección homodina con resolución de número de fotones | Noriega Romero Vargas, María Florencia | Licenciatura |
Interacción radiación-materia: un análisis de dos niveles | Díaz Naufal, Nicolás | Licenciatura |
Localidad y causalidad en mecánica cuántica | Valdés Curiel, Ana | Licenciatura |
Enredamiento cuántico bajo transformaciones de Lorentz en un sistema de partículas masivas de espín | Castro Ruiz, Esteban | Licenciatura |
Posibilidad de Variables Ocultas Factuales en la Mecánica Cuántica | Sánchez Kuntz, Natalia | Licenciatura |