Directorio Académico

De Colle, Fabio
Resumen curricular
Investigador del Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares desde 2012.
Sus intereses principales son los fenómenos transientes mas energéticos del universo: Destellos de Rayos Gamma, Supernovas, Jets de agujeros negros. Ha estudiado también Jets Herbig-Haro, Envolventes comunes, Remanentes de Supernovas.
Su enfoque es por medio de simulaciones numéricas, por lo que una parte importante de su actividad consiste en el desarrollo de códigos numéricos para la integración de ecuaciones hiperbólicas y parabólicas y su aplicación a los fenómenos físicos mencionados.
Materias que imparte
- Temas selectos de astrofísica III: Astrofísica Computacional (Licenciatura)
- Problemas Contemporáneos de Astrofísica Computacional: Métodos Numéricos en Hidrodinámica (Maestría)
- Seminario de Investigación III (Maestría)
- Astrofísica de Altas Energías (Licenciatura)
- Seminario de Graduación (Maestría)
- Astrofísica Estelar (Maestría)
- Temas Selectos de Astrofísica: Modelos Teóricos Entorno a los Destellos de Rayos Gamma (Maestría)
- Procesos Radiactivos en la Astrofísica (Maestría)
- Temas Selectos de Astrofísica: Astrofísica Computacional (Maestría)
- Temas Selectos de Astrofísica: Astrofísica de Altas Energías (Maestría)
- Problema Contemporaneos de Astrofisica de Altas Energías (Maestría)
- Procesos Radiactivos en la Astrofísica (Maestría)
- Seminario de Investigación II (Posgrado)
- Seminario de Investigación I (Maestría)
- Seminario de Investigación II (Maestría)
- Temas Selectos de Astrofísica: Dinámica de Gases Numérica (Maestría)
Líneas de investigación
Dinámica de gases astrofísicos, Física de gamma-ray burst, Hidrodinámica relativista, Hidrodinámica y magnetohidrodinámica numérica, Plasmas astrofísicos
Título del proyecto | Institución que financia | Cobertura |
Observaciones y modelos de contrapartes electromagnéticas de fusiones de objetos compactos | DGAPA | Nacional |
Selección de publicaciones
- Unraveling parameter degeneracy in GRB data analysis
Garcia-Cifuentes, K; Becerra, RL; De Colle, F; Vargas, F
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2024, 527 (3), 6752-6762 - Machine-learning enhanced photometric analysis of the extremely bright GRB 210822A
Angulo-Valdez, C; Becerra, RL; Pereyra, M; Garcia-Cifuentes, K; Vargas, F; Watson, AM; De Colle, F; Fraija, N; Butler, NR; Dainotti, MG; Dichiara, S; Lee, WH; Troja, E; Bloom, JS; González, JJ; Kutyrev, AS; Prochaska, JX; Ramirez-Ruiz, E; Richer, MG
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2024, 527 (3), 8140-8150 - ClassiPyGRB: Machine learning-based classification and visualization of Gamma Ray Bursts using t-SNE
Garcia-Cifuentes, K; Becerra, RL; De Colle, F
Journal of Open Source Software, 2024, 9 (96), 5923 - Optically targeted search for gravitational waves emitted by core-collapse supernovae during the third observing run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo
Szczepanczyk, MJ; Zheng, YY; Antelis, JM; Benjamin, M; Bizouard, MA; Casallas-Lagos, A; Cerda-Duran, P; Davis, D; Gondek-Rosinska, D; Klimenko, S; Moreno, C; Obergaulinger, M; Powell, J; Ramirez, D; Ratto, B; Richardson, C; Rijal, A; Stuver, AL; Szewczyk, PL; Vedovato, G; Zanolin, M; Bartos, I; Bhaumik, S; Bulik, T; Drago, M; Font, JA; De Colle, F; Garcia-Bellido, J; Gayathri, V; Hughey, B; Mitselmakher, G; Mishra, T; Mukherjee, S; Nguyen, QL; Chan, ML; Di Palma, I; Piotrzkowski, BJ; Singh, N
Physical Review D, 2024, 110 (4), 042007 - The peculiar radio evolution of the Tidal Disruption Event ASASSN-19bt
Christy, CT; Alexander, KD; Margutti, R; Wieringa, M; Cendes, Y; Chornock, R; Laskar, T; Berger, E; Bietenholz, M; Coppejans, DL; De Colle, F; Eftekhari, T; Holoien, TWS; Matsumoto, T; Miller-Jones, JCA; Ramirez-Ruiz, E; Saxton, R; van Velzen, S
Astrophysical Journal, 2024, 974 (1), 18 - Gravitational waves from the propagation of long gamma-ray burst jets
Urrutia, G; De Colle, F; Moreno, C; Zanolin, M
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, 518 (4), 5242-5252 - Three-dimensional numerical simulations of structured gamma-ray burst jets
Urrutia, G; De Colle, F; Lopez-Camara, D
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, 518 (4), 5145-5153 - Deciphering the unusual stellar progenitor of GRB 210704A
Becerra, RL; Troja, E; Watson, AM; O'Connor, B; Veres, P; Dichiara, S; Butler, NR; Sakamoto, T; Lopez, KOC; De Colle, F; Aoki, K; Fraija, N; Im, M; Kutyrev, AS; Lee, WH; Paek, GSH; Pereyra, M; Ravi, S; Urata, Y
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, 522 (4), 5204–5216 - Identification of extended emission gamma-ray burst candidates using machine learning
Garcia-Cifuentes, K; Becerra, RL; De Colle, F; Cabrera, JI; del Burgo, C
Astrophysical Journal, 2023, 951 (4), 10 - Hypercritical accretion during common envelopes in triples leading to binary black holes in the pair-instability-supernova mass gap
Moreno-Mendez, E; De Colle, F; Lopez-Camara, D; Vigna-Gomez, A
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, 522 (2), 1686 - 1696 - Understanding the nature of the optical emission in gamma-ray bursts: Analysis from TAROT, COATLI, and RATIR observations
Becerra, RL; Klotz, A; Atteia, JL; Guetta, D; Watson, AM; De Colle, F; Angulo-Valdez, C; Butler, NR; Dichiara, S; Fraija, N; Garcia-Cifuentes, K; Kutyrev, AS; Lee, WH; Pereyra, M; Troja, E
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, 525 (3), 3262–3273 - Numerical simulations of polarization in gamma-ray burst afterglows
Covarrubias, RM; De Colle, F; Urrutia, G; Vargas, F
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2023, 523 (3), 4583-4592 - The broad-lined Type-Ic supernova SN 2022xxf and its extraordinary two-humped light curves. I. Signatures of H/He-free interaction in the first four months
De Colle, F; Otra colaboración
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2023, 678, A209 - GRB 191016A: The onset of the forward shock and evidence of late energy injection
Pereyra, M; Fraija, N; Watson, AM; Becerra, RL; Butler, NR; De Colle, F; Troja, E; Dichiara, S; Fraire-Bonilla, E; Lee, WH; Kutyrev, AS; Prochaska, JX; Bloom, JS; González, JJ; Ramirez-Ruiz, E; Richer, MG
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2022, 511 (4) - The large landscape of supernova, GRB, and cocoon interactions
De Colle, F; Kumar, P; Hoeflich, P
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2022, 512 (3), 3627-3637 - Jets in common envelopes: a low-mass main-sequence star in a red giant
Lopez-Camara, D; De Colle, F; Mendez, EM; Shiber, S; Iaconi, R
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2022, 513 (3), 3634-3645 - Survival of the fittest: Numerical modeling of SN 2014C
Vargas, F; De Colle, F; Brethauer, D; Margutti, R; Bernal, CG
Astrophysical Journal, 2022, 930 (150) - Modelling the prompt optical emission of GRB 180325A: the evolution of a spike from the optical to gamma-rays
Becerra, RL; De Colle, F; Canto, J; Lizano, S; Gonzalez, RF; Granot, J; Klotz, A; Watson, AM; Fraija, N; Araudo, AT; Troja, E; Atteia, JL; Lee, WH; Turpin, D; Bloom, JS; Boer, M; Butler, NR; González, JJ; Kutyerev, AS; Prochaska, JX; Ramirez-Ruiz, E; Richer, MG; Román-Zúñiga, CG
Astrophysical Journal, 2021, 908 (1), abcd3a - Transient time-delay focusing of shock waves in thin liquids
Gutierrez-Hernandez, UJ; De Colle, F; Ohl, CD; Quinto-Su, PA
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021, 910, A27 - The fate of the merger remnant in GW170817 and its imprint on the jet structure
Murguia-Berthier, A; Ramirez-Ruiz, E; De Colle, F; Janiuk, A; Rosswog, S; Lee, WH
Astrophysical Journal, 2021, 908 (2), 152 - What determines the structure of short gamma-ray burst jets?
Urrutia, G; De Colle, F; Murguia-Berthier, A; Ramirez-Ruiz, E
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2021, 503 (3), 4363-4371 - DDOTI observations of gravitational-wave sources discovered in O3
Becerra, RL; Dichiara, S; Watson, AM; Troja, E; Butler, NR; Pereyra, M; Mendez, EM; De Colle, F; Lee, WH; Kutyrev, AS; Lopez, KOC
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2021, 507 (1), 1401-1420 - Time domain astronomy with the THESEUS satellite
De Colle, F; Otra colaboración
Experimental Astronomy, 2021, 52, 309–406 - Luminous Late-time Radio Emission from Supernovae Detected by the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS)
De Colle, F
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2021, 923 (2), L24 - Disc formation and jet inclination effects in common envelopes
Lopez-Camara, D; Mendez, EM; De Colle, F
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2020, 497 (2), 2057-2065 - Broad-line type Ic SN 2020bvc: Signatures of an off-axis gamma-ray burst afterglow
Izzo, L; Auchettl, K; Hjorth, J; De Colle, F; Gall, C; Angus, CR; Raimundo, SI; Ramirez-Ruiz, E
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020, 639, L11 - Description of Atypical Bursts Seen Slightly Off-axis
Fraija, N; De Colle, F; Veres, P; Dichiara, S; Duran, RB; Pedreira, ACCDS; Galvan-Gamez, A; Kamenetskaia, BB
Astrophysical Journal, 2020, 896 (1), 25 - Self-regulating jets during the common-envelope phase
Lopez-Camara, D; De Colle, F; Moreno Méndez, E
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2019, 482, 3646–3655 - The Short GRB 170817A: Modeling the off-axis emission and implications on the ejecta magnetization
Fraija, N; De Colle, F; Veres, P; Dichiara, S; Barniol-Duran, R; Galvan-Gamez, A; Caligula, AC; Pedreira, ACCDS
Astrophysical Journal, 2019, 871 (1), 123 - Numerical Simulations of an Initially Top-hat Jet and the Afterglow of GW170817/GRB170817A
Gill, R; Granot, J; De Colle, F; Urrutia, G
Astrophysical Journal. Supplement series, 2019, 883 (1), 15 - GRB 180620A: Evidence for Late-time Energy Injection
Becerra, RL; De Colle, F; Watson, AM; Fraija, N; Butler, NR; Lee, WH; Román-Zúñiga, CG; Bloom, JS; González, JJ; Kutyrev, AS; Prochaska, JX; Ramirez-Ruiz, E; Richer, MG; Troja, E
Astrophysical Journal, 2019, 887 (2), 1-8 - Radio Emission from the Cocoon of a GRB Jet: Implications for Relativistic Supernovae and Off-axis GRB Emission
De Colle, F; Kumar, P; Aguilera-Dena, D
Astrophysical Journal, 2018, 863 (1), 32 - Thermal and non-thermal emission from the cocoon of a gamma-ray burst jet
De Colle, F; Lu, WB; Kumar, P; Ramirez-Ruiz, E; Smoot, G
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2018, 478 (4), 4553-4564 - Off-axis emission of short GRB jets from double neutron star mergers and GRB170817A
Granot, J; Gill, R; Guetta, D; De Colle, F
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2018, 481 (2), 1597-1608 - Off-axis afterglow light curves and images from 2D hydrodynamic simulations of double-sided GRB jets in a stratified external medium
Granot, J; De Colle, F; Ramirez-Ruiz, E
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2018, 481 (2), 2711-2720 - Single-bubble and multibubble cavitation in water triggered by laser-driven focusing shock waves
D Veysset,D; Gutiérrez-Hernández, U; Dresselhaus-Cooper, L; De Colle, F; Kooi, S; Nelson, KA; Quinto-Su, PA; Pezeril, T
Physical Review E, 2018, 97 (5), 053112 - The properties of short Gamma-Ray Burst jets Triggered by neutron star mergers
Murguia-Berthier, A; Ramirez-Ruiz, E; Montes, G; De Colle, F; Rezzolla, L; Rosswog, S; Takami, K; Perego, A; Lee, WH
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2017, 835 (2), L34 - Dynamics of jets during the common-envelope phase
Mendez, EM; Lopez-Camara, D; De Colle, F
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 470 (3), 2929-2937 - Origin of the bilateral structure of the supernova remnant G296.5+10
Moranchel-Basurto, A; Velazquez, PF; Giacani, E; Toledo-Roy, JC; Schneiter, EM; De Colle, F; Esquivel, A
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 472 (2), 2117-2125 - A 3D MHD simulation of SN 1006: a polarized emission study for the turbulent case
Velazquez, PF; Schneiter, EM; Reynoso, EM; Esquivel, A; De Colle, F; Toledo-Roy, JC; Gomez, DO; Sieyra, MV; Moranchel-Basurto, A
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 466 (4), 4851-4857 - The morphology and dynamics of Jet-Driven Supernova Remnants the Case of W49B
Gonzalez-Casanova, DF; De Colle, F; Ramirez-Ruiz, E; Lopez, LA
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2014, 781 (2), L26 - Radio limits on off-axis GRB afterglows and VLBI observations of SN 2003gk
Bietenholz, MF; De Colle, F; Granot, J; Bartel, N; Soderberg, AM
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, 440 (1), 821-832 - Conditions for successful helium detonations in astrophysical environments
Holcomb, C; Guillochon, J; De Colle, F; Ramirez-Ruiz, E
Astrophysical Journal, 2013, 771 (1), 8 - Understanding the unusual X-Ray emission properties of the massive, Close Binary WR 20a: A high energy window into the Stellar Wind Initiation Region
Montes, G; Ramirez-Ruiz, E; De Colle, F; Strickler, R
Astrophysical Journal, 2013, 777 (2), 129 - Simulations of gamma-ray burst jets in a stratified external medium: Dynamics, afterglow light curves, jet breaks, and radio calorimetry
De Colle, F; Ramirez-Ruiz, E; Granot, J; Lopez-Camara, D
Astrophysical Journal, 2012, 751 (1), 57 - The dynamics, appearance, and demographics of relativistic jets triggered by tidal disruption of stars in quiescent supermassive black holes
De Colle, F; Guillochon, J; Naiman, J; Ramirez-Ruiz, E
Astrophysical Journal, 2012, 760 (2), 103 - Gamma-Ray Burst dynamics and afterglow radiation from adaptive mesh refinement, special relativistic hydrodynamic simulations
De Colle, F; Granot, J; Lopez-Camara, D; Ramirez-Ruiz, E
Astrophysical Journal, 2012, 746 (2), 122 - Simulations of GRB jets in a Stratified External Medium
De Colle, F; Ramirez-Ruiz, E; Granot, J; Lopez-Camara, D
Astrophysical Journal, 2012, 751 (1), 57 - A latitude-dependent wind model for Mira's cometary head
Raga, AC; Canto, J; De Colle, F; Esquivel, A; Kajdic, P; Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A; Velazquez, PF
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2008, 680 (1), L45-L48 - A 3-mode variable ejection velocity precessing jet model for HH 30
Esquivel, A; Raga, AC; De Colle, F
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2007, 468 (2), 613-616
Estudiantes y postdocs
Tesis de licenciatura y posgrado
Nombre | Actividades |
Becerra Godínez, Rosa Leticia | Estancia posdoctoral de un año con opción a renovación bajo la administración de DGAPA bajo la asesoría del Dr. Fabio de Colle. Realizaremos simulaciones numéricas con su código Mezcal para modelar las observaciones de telescopios ópticos terrestres del Observatorio Astronómico Nacional de San Pedro Mártir, Ensenada. |
Título | Estudiante | Grado académico |
Numerical simulations of structured short/long gamma ray bursts and their off-axis emission | Urrutia Sánchez, Gerardo | Doctorado |
Polarización en destellos de rayos gamma | Medina Covarrubias, Rogelio Alan | Doctorado |
Modeling strongly interacting supernovae | Vargas Ventura, Felipe | Doctorado |
Simulaciones numéricas de destellos de rayos gamma en un sistema de referencia en movimiento | Juárez García, Ana Lourdes | Maestría |
Estudio Fotométrico del GRB210822A Ultra Brilloso utilizando Machine Learning | Angulo Valdez, Camila | Maestría |
Espectro de sincrotrón proveniente de GRBs | Hernandez, Ana Paola | Maestría |
Clasificación de curvas de luz de destellos de rayos gamma utilizando técnicas de machine learning | Garcia Cifuentes, Keneth Stiven | Maestría |
La estructura angular de los destellos de rayos gamma | Urrutia Sánchez, Gerardo | Maestría |
Simulaciones numéricas de variabilidad en la emisión de grb | Jiménez Rosales, Alejandra | Maestría |
W49b: el remanente de una supernova bipolar | González Casanova Gallegos, Diego Fernando | Licenciatura |